Author: quotepad

Does A Mother Enmeshed Man Need To Start Saying ‘No’ To His Mother?Does A Mother Enmeshed Man Need To Start Saying ‘No’ To His Mother?

It is vital for a person to not only be capable of say it depends, but to essentially mean it when he tells each word. Having this ability will permit him to be handled by and protect himself.

However, in case a man is emotionally entangled regarding his mother, he might find that they doesn’t understand how to say no. In fact, he not even imagine saying no to his mother, aside from actually saying no thank you.

Out of Balance

If he or she is this way along with her, you will find there’s strong chance that she will be in this way with most people. In general, he found that he tells yes and merely does things without even thinking of if he actually would like to do them.

There may be people who will describe him like a “yes man”, seeing him as someone who is easy-going simply too thrilled to be there for other people. The trouble is that although he are going to be there persons, his mother specifically, he’ll almost certainly rarely be there for himself.

For Example

So, if his mother called him and asked if he could want to do something for her, for instance to go shopping or pick something up, he could soon be on his way. It might not matter what they are doing as her needs is going to take precedence.

He are able to be a separate individual but it are going to be as if she has strings and the mother will regularly pull these strings. Whenever she says jump, he’s going to jump with his fantastic own needs will probably be put to one for reds.

In Denial

After he’s got done something on her, he could wind up feeling angry and frustrated. But, if he does feel in this way, he could soon find yourself suppressing how he feels and carrying on as normal.

This will show that she doesn’t allow himself to embrace how he really feels and does what he is able to to behave just like. If he would have been to become aware of this, he could find it difficult to understand why he avoids his true feelings.

Inner Guidance

Ultimately, his feelings is going to be providing him with valuable feedback, and, his life will still only change if he learns how he feels and allows his feelings to influence his behaviour. Being focused on what’s going on externally and overlooking what is happening internally is just not serving him.

Instead of dealing with himself, he are going to be working against himself. The truth is that they are on this planet expressing who he or she is, to not act as though he or she is an extension of others as well as fulfil the requirements.

Going Further

If he ended up being to imagine saying ‘no’ to his mother, he could finish up feeling incredibly uncomfortable. He are going to be doing the right thing nonetheless it will feel as though they are doing something wrong.

He could feel extremely guilty and experience intense fear and anxiety. After having this inner experience, it could actually become magnificent as to why he neglects himself and does the other people want.

Inner Conflict

Due to how he feels when he hears himself, he could be naturally about to do what the guy can to please others. Being there for other people, not himself are going to be what feels comfortable.

It certainly won’t allow him to live a fulfilling life however it will stop him from feeling bad and also on edge. He will pay for the price by neglecting himself the alternative will likely be seen as being even more difficult.

Role Reversal

Listening to himself should feel at ease and the fact that this isn’t the case is probably going to show that his early years just weren’t very nurturing. Most likely, it was a stage of his life when he’d to meet some of his mother’s adult and unmet childhood needs.

This might have meant that they was discouraged from expressing his needs and he can have lost touch with them as being a result. If he did express his needs, he probably might have been punished, disapproved of and/or abandoned.

The foundations were laid

These early experiences would’ve set him approximately believe that his needs were bad and that they can only survive by pleasing others, and, if he would have been to express himself, he’d be doing something wrong and would find yourself being harmed or his life stomach to an end. Quite simply, he’ll almost certainly have been emotionally abandoned, and, because familiar and, therefore, associated as precisely what is safe, he can continue to abandon himself.

What took place will likely be well and truly over but they are likely to have a lot of emotional pain and trauma. The beliefs/associations that had been formed, also inner material, stop him from to be able to be in their own body, linked with his true self and doing what on earth is right for him.


If a guy can refer to this and he or she is ready to change his life, this individual need to reach out for external support. This is an issue that can be given the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, lives in England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers every of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over year 2000, six hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along along with his sound advice.

Codependency RecoveryCodependency Recovery

The overall goal of codependency recovery would be to become a full-functioning individual. That entails knowing, valuing, and trusting yourself, and expressing yourself in your lifetime and relationships. It involves a total makeover that impacts how you feel and how you think that, feel, and act. (See Stages of Codependency and Recovery.)

Codependency untreated follows the identical chronic, systemic decline along with alcoholism and also a disease - why some think it over to be a disease. Below is undoubtedly an outline from the progression of codependency symptoms and indications of recovery.

Early Stage of Codependency and Recovery

The early on of codependency starts with becoming attached with another person and ends with the unhealthy need for him or her. Once you start recovery, the initial phase ends with beginning reclaim yourself.


You may be attracted with a needy person or even be overly-involved which has a family member and naturally wish to help or please them. Gradually, suddenly you become increasingly emotionally based mostly on and involved with that person to your extent that you just lose focus on yourself and initiate to give up personal friends and activities.

The Early Stage of Codependency

· Attracted to needy person; offers help, gifts, meals
· Attempt to please anybody
· Obsessed with those and their behavior
· Rationalize and doubt own perceptions
· Denial about codependency and addiction or relationship problems, but concern grows
· Give up your individual activities to be with anybody
· Family and social interaction affected
· Increasingly emotionally dependent on anyone

You being appearing out of denial and that means you squarely confront the issue and acknowledge reality - a prerequisite to changing it. This shift could possibly be inspired by a person’s recovery, by looking over this book, or maybe more likely, it’s triggered an event - a wakeup call, generally known as hitting bottom - that makes change imperative. Instead of ignoring or minimizing the important points, you recognize them as difficult and painful, but true. You don’t have to like them, however, you see them since they are.

Beginning recovery commences with getting information and speaking out for help. By perusing this book, you’ve already begun in search of new answers and options. Many people start psychotherapy or join a 12-Step program, giving them hope and starts the whole process of rebuilding their identity.

The Early Stage of Recovery

· Hits bottom and reaches out for help for self
· Learn about codependency and addiction
· Join 12-step program and/or therapy
· Begin to have hope
· Come from denial
· Learn recovery is good for self
· Refocus on self
· Begin to build own identity
Middle Stage of Codependency and Recovery

The important middle stage of codependency and recovery is the place denial, painful emotions, and obsessive-compulsive behavioral patterns are prevalent. You boost your attempts to control, while feeling more beyond control. Once in recovery, you reclaim independence, balance, and greater satisfaction.


Without support, denial and isolation continue, and problems deteriorate. You might minimize and hide from yourself yet others painful elements of your relationship and withdraw external to activities and friends. Meanwhile, your obsession with their bond or addiction and accompanying anxiety, resentment, and guilt increase. You do more to help you, enable, and control your lover or the addiction, and may also take over her or his responsibilities. As moodiness and conflict increase, some codependents consider drugs, food, spending, or some other addictive behavior to handle.

Middle Stage of Codependency

· Deny/Minimize painful issues with relationship
· Hide from others painful issues with relationship
· Anxiety, guilt, and self-blame increase
· Self-esteem lessens
· Withdraw externally family and friends
· Increased obsession anybody and/or addiction
· Try to control by nagging, blaming, scolding, manipulation
· Anger and disappointment on account of broken promises
· Resentment at inability to control anyone
· Mood swings and increased conflict and violence
· Enable, accommodate, and manage your lover’s responsibilities
· Hide family secret (addiction, conflict, personality disorder)
· Use food, alcohol, drugs, shopping, work to deal

The middle stage is how most from the work of recovery happens. You begin to apply non-detachment and grasp your powerlessness over others plus your addiction. As the focus on yourself grows, the same is true self-responsibility, self-awareness, and self-examination, that’s part of psychotherapy and also 12-Step programs. Alcoholics Anonymous emphasizes that the alcoholic’s success is predicated upon rigorous self-honesty since the key to recovery.

This can often happen for codependents and one on the 12 Steps of CoDA, which can be derived from Alcoholics Anonymous. Blaming others and external circumstances denies your chance to effect change and achieve happiness. Even should you’re a victim of abuse, you get the ability to change your circumstances if the center of control shifts through the perpetrator to yourself. Self-examination also may include working through childhood conditions led to your codependency.

Although insight about your behavior is critical, it’s insufficient for change. Decisions, actions, and risk-taking are essential during the Middle Stage. They happen as you seek and can’t be forced. It’s hard to alter even when you know things would improve - like having a better job or moving with a desirable area - but taking risks the spot that the outcome is uncertain requires courage - courage to venture from discomfort that’s familiar into new territory. This is one answer why support is critical.

During the guts stage, you are making new friends, be involved in outside activities, and develop the opportunity to be assertive and hang boundaries. As you in turn become more emotionally independent, you adopt better good yourself, and reactivity, enabling, and controlling behavior diminishes.

Middle Stage of Recovery

· Understand powerlessness
· Self-awareness grows
· Begin reliance upon a spiritual source
· Begin to detach
· Make new friends
· Develop outside activities
· Stop enabling and controlling
· Learn to be assertive
· Take responsibility for yourself
· Increase self-care and self-esteem
· Sets boundaries and much less reactive
· More emotional independence
· Heal childhood wounds
Late-Stage of Codependency and Recovery

In the late stage of codependency and recovery, the contrast between disease and health is most pronounced. The untreated codependent’s world has significantly narrowed with his fantastic or her amounts of health and functioning have severely declined, as the recovered codependent’s world has expanded to add greater risk-taking, relationships, and new goals.


As the ailment progresses, anger and conflicts tend to be common, and self-esteem and self-care further decline. Hopelessness, emptiness, and depression prevail. The chronic stress of codependency manifests in new symptoms, including stress-related illnesses and new if not more advanced obsessive-compulsive behaviors and addictions. These behaviors and addictions might include regular managing the addict, affairs, enabling, cleaning house, dieting, exercising, spending, or using legal or illegal drugs.

Late Stage of Codependency

This is the progress of codependency from the late stage should you nothing.

· Develop physical symptoms
· Feel angry, hopeless, and depressed
· Obsessive-compulsive behavior, addictions
· Further decline in self-esteem
· Despair and not enough self-care
· Increased conflicts

In the late stage of recovery, your self-esteem and confidence return. You’re empowered to pursue your own personal goals and are definitely more expansive, creative, and spontaneous. You desire to fully express yourself to the sheer joy and freedom than it. As your focus shifts clear of someone outside yourself, you grasp that your happiness doesn’t depend on others with no longer employ a desperate ought to be in a relationship. At the identical time, you want and tend to be more capable of authentic intimacy.

Late Stage of Recovery

These will be the rewards you reap in case you stick with recovery.

· Happiness doesn’t rely on others
· Self-Esteem and confidence return
· Have own power and pursue goals
· Are expansive, creative, spontaneous
· Experiences self-love and self-nurturing
· Enjoy interdependency and intimacy

Recovery from codependency requires ongoing maintenance in or outside of a relationship. This is why people continue in 12-Step programs even with they’ve left them with an addict or addiction behind. Only from a number of years perform the changes and tools of recovery and health become portion of you.

Does A Mother Enmeshed Man Have A Fear of Being Seen?Does A Mother Enmeshed Man Have A Fear of Being Seen?

If a man spends the majority of his life doing what the guy can to please others with the exceptional mother, particularly, it will mean that he could be primarily dedicated to what is happening without. What is going down within has never been, if, planning to something that he could be aware of.

This is likely to imply the needs of others are going to be seen as his needs; he won’t understand the difference. And, if the requirements of others are considered his needs, it really is to be expected that they will feel compelled to satisfy them.

Playing a Role

So, although he will probably be a separate one that has their own needs and feelings, he’s going to act as though he’s here for everyone others. In general, they can create the impression that he or she is needless.

By being by doing this, it’s likely to signify he will obtain a fair volume of positive feedback. The attention, acceptance and approval which he receives from others – ego love – won’t allow him to live your life that is deeply fulfilling though.

Inner Guidance

Still, he could do what he is able to to ignore how he really feels and what his own life is really like and also to carry on as normal. Therefore, the feedback that may shed light on the fact that he’s going against himself will likely be cast aside.

There may be moments when he consciously denies how he really feels and moments if this takes place unconsciously. Either way, he will never be willing for being with what is happening for him.

One Big Struggle

Keeping how he really feels under control is about to require a great deal of his energy and a large amount of his energy is gonna end up being held insidewithin all him. The reason for this can be that the emotional pain he denies is likewise made up of energy.

With this in your mind, the longer he behaves in that way, greater it is going to be for him to behave in the same manner. As a result of this, there may come a spot in time when he’s going to break down with out longer be able for being there for some.

“Waking Up”

The ideal could well be for him being able to alter his life before he reaches this point. What could play a part in this really is if he ended up being end up getting in to a relationship, as his partner could indicate that he could be not taking care of his personal needs.

She could see he spends a great deal of time being there for others and the mother, especially. This doesn’t imply that he will simply accept what she’s got to say, because he could become defensive and deny what she says to start with.

A Matter of Time

But, after some time and if he reflects about what has been said, he could gradually arrived at see that he or she is out of balance. He could notice that when they are around others, who he could be typically does not show up.

When this takes place, he’s going to lose touch in reference to his feelings and requires, his body, and he will likely be estranged from himself. He will then act like he or she is an extension of others and the true self won’t view the light of day.


When he plays his role for being there persons and is living outside the body of himself, his physical self will probably be seen but his inner self will never be seen. Due to this, it doesn’t matter how much time he spends around others, he or she is likely to feel invisible and ignored.

For this to switch, he’ll almost certainly need to express his needs and ways in which he really feels when they are around others. By revealing what is happening within him and achieving other people see these elements of himself; his true self is going to be able to obtain nutrients which it needs to feel full and alive.

A Strange Scenario

What this is dependant on is that he’s an interdependent man; he needs others. In addition to him acknowledging his very own needs and feelings; he can need people to do exactly the same thing.

Considering this, if he needs for being both in touch with himself and express himself to reside in a fulfilling life this also part of him needs to obtain the right nutrients from others, why would he spend so enough time being from touch with himself? To understand this, it will likely be necessary to take particular notice into his early years.

Going Deeper

During this stage of his life, his mother could have used him to fulfil a few of her unmet adult and childhood needs. This would’ve meant that most, if not completely, of his developmental needs, would have already been overlooked.

Not only would this have already been incredibly painful, nevertheless it would have caused him to imagine that his needs with his fantastic self were inherently bad. To receive his mother’s attention and conditional love, compared to being disapproved of, punished and/or abandoned, he had to get who she wanted him for being and to try and do what she wanted.

Role Reversal

Instead of seeing him as an outside being that needed her love and nurturance growing and develop, she would’ve unconsciously seen him as extra time of herself. He can have had to adapt to the fact that was going on by losing touch along with his true self, his needs and feelings, and setting up a false self that will allow him to survive; it wouldn’t are already possible for him to mention ‘no’ as well as to get away.

The trouble is that while he was egocentric, he wouldn’t are already able to note that there wasn’t anything wrong together with his needs or his self. Being seen – expressing his needs and feelings – now of his life would are already a threat to his very survival and after this he’s a grown-up, it’s going to still be seen as an issue that would cause him being harmed and/or abandoned.

Mother Enmeshed Man Want To Rescue His Mother?Mother Enmeshed Man Want To Rescue His Mother?

While both her son with the exceptional mother will likely be adults, he’ll have the ought to essentially save his mother. It then won’t matter if he isn’t a doctor or perhaps a therapist, as an illustration, when he will do what the guy can to resolve her issues.

Now, this might mean that his mother is deeply unwell and contains all kinds of challenges, or it could signify, like the competition on this planet, she’s challenges. Still, he can have taken it upon himself to vary her life.

Totally Oblivious

This could possibly be something that he or she is aware of; but, this may be something doesn’t even cross his mind. As a result of this, he won’t be mindful of the fact that he could be trying to rescue his mother.

What this really is likely to show is the fact that behaving in this manner is so normal which it doesn’t even stick out. Thus, it is more likely to be what feels comfortable and known as the “right” path for him to behave.

One Focus

He is going to be an individual, in reference to his own needs and feelings, but, it will probably be as though his sole purpose should be to take care of his mother’s needs. Consequently, plenty of his time and energy are going to be spent on her.

Most of his life force is not going to be familiar with build up their own life and also to be there for his partner, that’s if he’s got one; it are going to be used to build-up his mother also to, hopefully, transform her life. If he does not have much of a life, it is not much of a surprise.

Emotional Feedback

When he isn’t going things for his mother and wanting to make sure that the girl with OK, he could feel too low and in many cases depressed. But, rather than tuning into how he feels and seeking into why he feels in this way, he could just try to cover up how he feels.

His feelings will probably be there to simplify the fact that he’s neglecting himself and as a consequence, his feelings aren’t “negative”. Also, if somebody else was to explain that he’s neglecting himself, he could become defensive and deny what you say.


By being completely dedicated to his mother’s wellbeing, jane is going to exert plenty of control over his inner world. He could spend a reasonable amount of time feeling anxious and fearful, caused by him being totally attached to what is going on on her behalf.

If he’s not in her company, he could come to be on the phone to her or messaging her. He may find that he’ll only relax and feel comfortable when his mother has been doing well which might not be generally.

Weighed Down

In general, and behind the facade that she presents around the globe, he could typically feel exhausted. And, ultimately, he could end up which has a breakdown with out longer be capable of behave just as.

If this were to happen, he could end up being overwhelmed with guilt and shame and experience fear and anxiety. This will took place because he’s been neglecting himself, but, he’ll almost certainly have a strong have to go returning to how things were.

A Dysfunctional Dynamic

Someone doesn’t should be a psychologist to determine that he’s behaving in a fashion that is not serving him and also to realise that he’s not responsible for his mother. He needs to be to blame for himself and the mother needs to be to blame for herself.

As things stand, he could be wasting his personal precious life and life force and she actually is acting a lot more like a child compared to a fully grown adult. If the girl with unable to truly care for herself, then she will should find the appropriate support, to never expect her son to be there for my child.

Diving In

The big real question is: why would he contain the need to save/rescue his mother? A man caring about his mother’s wellbeing is one area, it truly is another thing altogether for him to get so devoted to her that his or her own life is ignored.

The belief that behaving like this is what feels comfortable is more likely to be on account of what was held very in the beginning. His early years were more than likely a stage of his life when he was trained to neglect himself as well as focus exclusively on his mother’s needs.

Role Reversal

Instead of his mother fulfilling his needs, she would purchased him to fulfil a few of her unmet adult and childhood needs and, if he didn’t accomplish this, he could have been disapproved of, punished and/or abandoned. He would have arrived at believe that his needs and his awesome self were bad and this the only opportinity for him to survive would have been to be there for his mother.

He would’ve become very in tune in reference to his mother’s needs and lost touch along with his own needs and feelings, his true self. Not receiving the nutrients which he needed to receive to emotionally develop and outside of her might have caused him in which to stay an emotionally undeveloped state and continue to continue in an emotionally enmeshed state.

A False Sense of Empowerment

His mother could have probably been very needy rather than very resourceful, and the man would are actually brought up being her surrogate spouse. She can have had one or even a few personality disorders.

He would are actually emotionally abandoned by her and maybe by his father too, but playing this role might have probably caused him to feel special, important and powerful also to see himself because “chosen” one. This would’ve played part in what set him as much as believe that they had a chance to rescue his mother and make her happy.

A Cover-Up

Behind the facade that they may give to the world with the exceptional mother, particularly, to become strong and capable will likely be someone who feels powerless. But, while he wasn’t allowed to become a child and had as a parent at a very young age, how else would he feel?

A big a part of him – this can be viewed as his child self – will still see his mother to essential to his survival. His must be there for her and also to rescue her is going being driven by his anxiety about losing her and the way this would cause his life to get to an end.

If men can connect with this and he’s ready to improve his life, he may must reach out for external support. This is an issue that can be given the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, lives in England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers every aspect of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over 2000, seven-hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along regarding his sound advice.

Order To SurviveOrder To Survive

If a man surely could take a step back and decide on how behaves, what can come to mind is his behaviour rarely matches track of what is going on for him. So, when he or she is around others, he could typically be devoted to their needs and become completely outside of touch regarding his own needs.
Consequently, it’ll be normal for him to learn the same role around others; a part where he does what the guy can to please them. In general, however, he could do what they can to please his mother.

A Big Difference

The people as part of his life, along regarding his mother, could describe him as someone who is easy-going and in some cases “selfless”. It might be as though he could be only too thrilled to be there persons and to be their rock.

In reality, how he behaves could have very little about what is going on for him. There is a strong chance that almost all people won’t determine what his needs are or how he truly feels.

Both Ways

He could pretty much always produce the impression that he’s fine and hubby doesn’t have needs. There could be moments when he actually believes until this is the truth, on account of him being totally beyond touch with himself.

During these moments, he or she is going to be beyond touch in reference to his needs and feelings. This is more likely to mean that he can be beyond touch along with his body which his attention will likely be primarily in their head.

The Seat on the Self

What this illustrates is the fact that his true self will probably be found as part of his body, not his head. For him to convey who they are, then, he’ll need to have a great connection regarding his body and feel relaxed expressing his self.

But, utilizing what really should be normal and just how he should live his life, clothing what feels comfortable. What will feel safe is hiding his self around others and focusing on their demands.

Nothing New

He could see this is how she has been around as long as the guy can remember. It is unlikely that he’s going to consciously opt to lose touch in reference to his true self around others and also to hide behind a mask.

Most likely, this really is something that will automatically come about; it is usually as if he’s possessed by someone something like that. Like an intruder, this false self will simply take over and outmuscle his true self.

Deeply Powerless

By living by doing this, he could often feel frustrated and angry, yet he or she do his better to avoid how he feels, and believe that they have no control of his life. He could be tired of living an existence that is not in alignment with who he is really.

Still, if he ended up being to imagine finding myself touch with and expressing himself around others and the mother, especially, he could end up feeling extremely uncomfortable. This could be a time when he’s going to come into contact with guilt, shame and fear and anxiety.

Inner Conflict

If this really is what develops, it’s not necessarily going to be a surprise which he hides who he could be around others. What is clear is the fact a big part of him will think that if he ended up being fully make an appearance around others, his survival will be under threat.

Therefore, on the other hand, he should have the need to convey who he’s, and, on the other half, he may have an even stronger must hide who he’s. Living your life that is largely a representation of his false self will not fulfilling but it’s going to be seen as the only method for him to live.

A Deeper Look

If he’s got been that way for as long as he’ll remember, it can probably show what came about during his childhood played a huge part. At this stage of his life, his mother might have used him to fulfil a few unmet adult and childhood needs.

This can have meant that she wouldn’t are already able to truly be there for him also to give him the love and nurturance which he needed to grow and develop correctly. If he ever expressed his needs, he might have been punished, disapproved of and/or abandoned.

A Clear Message

He might have soon discovered that in order for him to live, he previously to ignore their own needs and feelings and also to focus on his mother’s needs and feelings. Doing what she wanted was the best way for him to avert being mistreated and/or left.

This might have caused him to assume that both his needs with his fantastic self were bad. Playing the role of your surrogate spouse could have allowed him to thrive, but, naturally, it might have meant that they stayed in a very developmentally stunted state and the true self might have gone into hiding.

Replaying The Past

Many, many years could have passed because this stage of his life but many of him won’t have moved. Therefore, he’ll now be a mature as opposed to a powerless and dependent child, but his survival is still attached to his mother and playing a job that kept his mother around those years ago.

The truth is the fact he is usually in touch with and express who he’s and not only can he survive, but he’ll thrive. For him to find out this essentially of his being also to freely express himself, he’ll need to question what he believes and resolve his early trauma.


If men can relate with this and it is ready to change his life, he may must reach out for external support. This is something can be furnished with the assistance of any therapist or healer.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, comes from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers every aspect of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over 2,000, 800 in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along in reference to his sound advice.

Did A Man’s Father Play A Part In Why He Was Unable To Emotionally Separate From His Mother?Did A Man’s Father Play A Part In Why He Was Unable To Emotionally Separate From His Mother?

If a man was in a position where he’s focused on his mother’s needs and does what he is able to to please her, it is more likely to show that he or she is emotionally entangled with your ex. This will mean that although he’s physically outside of her, he will not emotionally outside of her.
At a psychological level, then, he won’t understand the difference between his needs with the exceptional mother’s needs, or where he begins and ends or where his mother begins and ends. As a result of this, his survival will likely be attached to his mother.

It’s Clear

If there are special goggles that can pick up precisely what is taking place at a psychological level, they would reveal that his emotional self is depressed by his mother’s emotional self. At this level, there will probably be no difference between them.

To go a little more forward, there might be strings or waves of one’s energy going from him to his mother. Most with the man’s life force are going to be going to his mother as well as drain him of the items he should live a fulfilling life.

Another View

One approach to see his mother will be to say that she actually is an energy vampire. She won’t have accessibility to much of her very own life force, this is why she will must use most, if not completely, of her sons.

Most likely, this really is something that will need place unconsciously, and thus she will not be aware of how destructive her behaviour is. Deep down, she could feel that her son’s purpose is usually to be there on her behalf and that she actually is entitled to his support.

The Norm

Due that the he won’t have a very sense of himself to be an individual, being there for his mother will feel relaxed. He could believe that this really is the right thing for him to perform.

So, although he will likely be neglecting himself with the exceptional own life, this defintely won’t be something that sticks out. Still, this really is not to state that he won’t get frustrated and angry on occasion, but, he could typically deny how he feels.


Ignoring himself and working on his mother defintely won’t be serving him but he’ll seldom allow himself to acknowledge precisely what is going on. If he does hook up to himself, he could soon turn out feeling guilty and becoming anxious and fearful.

It are going to be as if she has opened up Pandora’s Box and he’s going to do what he is able to to close it again; to disconnect from himself. Thus, this moment of inner awareness will quickly be over, with him going back to emphasizing his mother’s needs.

The Same Old Story

How he behaves for an adult may very well be a continuation of how he to behave during his early years. This was probably a stage of his life when his mother used him to fulfil a few unmet adult and childhood needs.

There can be a strong chance she was in an undeveloped state – whilst still being is – and that is why she unconsciously saw her son as a possible extension of herself. Instead of seeing him as a possible adult, due to a defence mechanism generally known as transference, she would have witnessed him being a parental figure.

Emotionally Abandoned

His physical needs as well as perhaps some of his emotional needs were met, hence why he or she is still alive, but he wouldn’t have received what he was required to develop a strong a sense of self also to start the individuation process. This is why he’s going to look like a grownup but he’s going to feel like a kid deep down.

He should have been enmeshed to his mother when he was developed, and, when he didn’t obtain nutrients he needed to receive to develop and develop, he’s going to have stayed on this state. Thus, he hasn’t just become “enmeshed” to his mother during his adult years; he’s got always been by doing this.

Another Factor

It could be easy to focus purely about the part that his mother played in terms of how he experiences life but this might overlook the part that his father played. His father mightn’t have been around now of his life, if he was, he probably wasn’t emotionally available.

Assuming that they was around but wasn’t emotionally available – present – it could have meant which he wasn’t there to make him beyond his mother’s world and also to give him the support and guidance that they needed to start the individuation process. His aggression/fight instinct, a vital part products would have given him the drive to separate also to live his personal life, can have been disowned on account of his need to impress his mother as well as the trauma he experienced.

No Backbone

Furthermore, his father can have acted that he was a part of his mother and done what he could to impress her. Indirectly, his father would’ve further enforced the vista that his purpose was to impress his mother.

She wouldn’t are already the centre on the universe but she might have been the centre of his and his awesome father’s world. To finish it, if he didn’t do what his mother wanted, his father can have threatened to harm him or he could have harmed him.

Nowhere to Turn

Instead of protecting and standing up for his son, he could have been a lot more like his mother’s enforcer. This is very likely to illustrate that his father was outside of touch with his or her own power and lacked the cabability to assert himself.

Both parents wouldn’t are making it clear that neither his needs nor his self was bad knowning that he was here to live their own life. He was upset by a couple who were undeveloped and beyond touch using true self.


If men can connect with this and he could be ready to change his life, he may should reach out for external support. This is an issue that can be provided by the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, comes from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all facets of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over year 2000, 900 in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along along with his sound advice.

Man Have Trouble Expressing His NeedsMan Have Trouble Expressing His Needs

What a man might even see is that they finds that it is hard to express his needs and feelings when he or she is with his partner. When he or she is not around her, however, this could not be a thing that he struggles with.
If this can be a case, he could battle to understand why he could be this way. Not only this, his partner may well wonder what’s going on and she could feel that she is doing something wrong.

One Conclusion

As he doesn’t express how he feels, another thing his partner could believe is the fact that he is not really into her. It then may well not matter how affectionate they are or what he gives her when he won’t be able to show how he feels directly.

If his partner ended up being say that she doesn’t know where she stands with him, while they are together, he might not exactly know what to state. She will likely be confused about what’s going on and so is he going to.


When they are in her presence, then, it’s not necessarily going to be practical for him to become connected with himself. This is probably going to mean that he’s going to be away from touch regarding his body with the exceptional awareness will probably be up within his head.

By being by doing this, he won’t have his needs and feelings but he will get access to his thoughts. But, as his intellect won’t have the other areas of his being, this portion of him is going to be deprived of vital information.

Giving it A Go

If he ended up being try to get in touch with what’s going on within him when he or she is around her, his mind could just go blank. If he ended up being connect to a desire, though, he could end up feeling really really irritating.

Before long, he could lose touch using this type of need and get back on how he was before. Being from touch with himself won’t serve him but it will likely be what feels comfortable, which is going to show being in this way is what feels safe.

An External Focus

Another portion of this is when he’s in her company, he or she is likely to see that his attention is essentially focused on her. He can observe that he has an incredibly strong should tune into her needs.

Therefore, as they won’t be in tune with himself, he will likely be very in tune in reference to his partner. As opposed to expressing his needs and feelings, his priority will be to mention and do what is going to and what he thinks will please her.

Out of Balance

What is clear is, when they are around his partner, he needs to get less focused on the proceedings externally and much more focused on what’s going on internally. This would provide him the chance to become both aware of what’s going on for her and aware of the proceedings for him.

Being by doing this is what should feel safe, not being solely focused on what’s going on for her. Most likely, she won’t want to get in a relationship with somebody that acts for an extension of her; she is going to want being with a person that acts for an individual.

What’s taking place?

If behaving in using this method didn’t really feel, there would be no reason at all for him to be in this way. The big real question is: why would behaving in using this method feel comfortable?

Clearly, this signifies that something isn’t right when he should feel at ease being in touch with and expressing himself around his partner. What this tends to illustrate is the fact his early years just weren’t very nurturing and that he was emotionally abandoned.

Way Back

How he behaves around his partner is probably going to be how he to behave around his mother during his early years in order to survive. The experiences he had along with his mother can have caused him to build up an inner template, this also template is going to be what is defining how he behaves around his partner.

At this stage of his life, his mother probably used him to fulfil a few adult and unmet childhood needs. If he expressed his needs or feelings, he could have been punished, disapproved of, and/or abandoned.

A Massive Risk

As a direct result this, he could have lost touch along with his true self, his body, very ahead of time. His greatest need during this period of his life ended up being survive, not to show himself, which is why he previously to become super centered on his mother’s needs as well as do what he could to impress her.

He was, in the end, within an emotionally undeveloped and dependent state; he couldn’t stop what was happening and neither could he escape from his mother. The only thing which he could do ended up being adapt to what was occurring and for being estranged from himself along the way.

A Natural outcome

Many, a long time will have passed but, because of the defence mechanism called transference, he’ll almost certainly unconsciously see his partner and merely about any woman as his mother. Deep down, he will feel that if he expresses his true self around her, he can end up being harmed and/or abandoned.

To try and prevent this from happening when he was obviously a child, he could have done absolutely everything that she could to thrill her, and, to stop this from happening now that he or she is an adult, he’ll do the same thing together with his partner – the partner who he unconsciously sees as his mother. The emotional component of him won’t realise what she’s not his mother which what happened has become over and that they survived; this portion of him are going to be stuck during the past.


If a guy can correspond with this and he or she is ready to change his life, he may must reach out for external support. This is something can be given the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, lives in England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers every of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over 2,000, 800 in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along together with his sound advice.

Is A Mother Enmeshed Man Trapped In An Invisible Prison?Is A Mother Enmeshed Man Trapped In An Invisible Prison?

From the outside, men who is emotionally entangled regarding his mother is probably going to look as free as virtually anybody else. He will then are able to behave however he would like to behave as well as live lifespan that he desires to live.

At times, it might even appear that he is in charge of how he behaves which is happy with lifespan that he could be living. Yet, of course this is the impression he creates, will probably be nothing more than an illusion.

A Compulsion

In general, he can have the should do what will, and what he thinks will, allow him to please others. This is not to say which he will develop the need to please everyone equally, though, as his primary need may be to please his mother.

Being tuned into her needs and doing what sherrrd like will be an issue that communes lots of his life. And, if the results in her presence, he will probably spend lots of time thinking of her needs.

No Difference

Due to how focused he or she is on her needs while others needs, he typically won’t even realise why these are not his needs. It could seem strange that explains why this would be true but it is because they are so dedicated to what is going on externally.

The opposite side of this is that she will rarely, whenever, be aware of what’s going on internally. Whenever he does hook up to his inner world, it could possibly occur to him he usually behaves in a manner that doesn’t benefit him knowning that his life doesn’t reflect who he truly is.


What is going to be the norm, then, is made for him to call home on the surface of himself and also to be oblivious to his personal needs and feelings. His true self will seldom begin to see the light of day and his awesome false self are going to be in the driver’s seat, as they say.

This false self allows him to suit in and also to do the “right” thing; exactly what it won’t do is allow him to be viewed and heard, to feel alive and also to live your life that is worth living. Deep down, he may well feel empty and in many cases dead.

Starved of Nutrients

Who he actually is, his true self, will need to certain you’re seen and heard to enable him to feel alive. For this to happen, he’s going to need to drop his people-pleasing role with out longer be Mr Nice Guy.

By repeating this, he can be in a position to express his needs and reveal how he really feels. This will mean his true self don’t be dominated and surpassed by his false self and thereby, this allows his inner self to certain you’re seen.

A Key Point

What this is dependant on is which he, like all the others, is surely an interdependent individual. So, if his inner self doesn’t begin to see the light of day because they are acknowledged by others, will probably be in a very watered-down state.

It are going to be like a plant that wasn’t watered for many weeks and is also close to dying off. This a part of him will likely be desperate to obtain nutrients which it needs to get back to life, allowing him to feel alive in the operation.


Now, if he does have moments when he or she is aware of what is happening, he could find it hard to understand why he experiences life by doing this. This could be a time when he’s going to experience anger and frustration.

Instead of being in charge of his own life, it can be that someone or anything else is accountable for how he behaves. But, although being that way won’t serve him, he is able to find that a big portion of him doesn’t want to alter.

A Miserable Existence

To this portion of him, not being seen or heard or freely expressing himself are going to be what feels comfortable. This is why he’ll almost certainly have felt invisible for that long and struggle to break out from the invisible prison he has been coping with.

Yes, this can cause him to suffer but, while doing so, it’s going to be seen as of having for him to thrive. This will mean that no person “out there” is holding him back or punishing him, it is a portion of himself.

A Closer Look

The big question for you is: why would he only feel safe if he could be hiding his true self which is hiding in plain sight? If he ended up being imagine revealing who he’s, he could end up feeling deeply uncomfortable.

He could feel anxious and fearful and fear which he will end up being harmed and restarted by others. Although this can be observed as being “irrational”, there is probably going to have been a period when this did happen.

Way Back

During his early years, his mother could possibly have used him to fulfil a few unmet adult and childhood needs. If he ever expressed his needs, he may happen to be disapproved of, punished and/or abandoned.

As a result with this, yet have come to assume that there was something inherently wrong together with his needs, and his awesome self, and although have finished up losing touch regarding his true self and automatically designed a false self. This false self’s primary need would have already been to please his mother, which can have taken place by fulfilling a few of her needs and behaving how she wanted him to behave.

A Natural Outcome

Many, many years can have passed since that stage of his life, but he’ll almost certainly be inside an undeveloped state and he can still think that expressing himself is usually a threat to the survival. Playing a part, the role which he had to play for his mother, will probably be what is familiar and for that reason, precisely what is classed as safe t his ego-mind.

For him to break free from the invisible prison that they is living in as well as freely express himself, he can need to feel safe enough for this. A big portion of this will probably be for him to question what he believes and resolve his early trauma.


If men can relate to this particular and they are ready to switch his life, he may ought to reach out for external support. This is an issue that can be furnished with the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, comes from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers every aspect of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, self-worth, inner child and inner awareness. With over 2,000, seven-hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along regarding his sound advice.